Tetsuya Akita’s Personal Home Page
Tetsuya Akita 秋田鉄也 (Ph.D)
Senior Scientist
Fisheries Data Sciences Division, Fisheries Resources Institute, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Fukuura 2-12-4, Kanazawa, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-8648, Japan.
E-mail: akita106”at”gmail.com
Google Citation
2021-, Senior Scientist, National Research and Development Agency, Japan Fisheries Research and Education Agency
2018-, Scientist, National Research Institute Fisheries Science, Fisheries Research Agency
2015-2017, Scientist, National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries, Fisheries Research Agency
2012-2015, JSPS Postdoctoral fellow, Advisor: Dr. Hideki Innan
2010-2012, Research Associate, Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Advisor: Dr. Hideki Innan
2009-2010, Visiting Student, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Canada, (Peter A. Abrams Lab)
2007-2010, Ph.D., Yokohama National University. Advisor: Dr. Hiroyuki Matsuda
2007-2010, JSPS Predoctoral fellow (DC1), Advisor: Dr. Hiroyuki Matsuda
2001-2007, B.C. & M.C., Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Advisor: Dr. Kenshi Sakai
Publications (with peered reviewed)
- Akita, T.*, Submitted, Strong dependence of demographic stochasticity on a small effective number of breeders in iteroparous species, PrePrint
- Akita, T.*, Wang, J., 2025, Preface for the special feature on “Ecological perspectives of pedigree reconstruction with genome-wide data”, Population Ecology. abstract
- Tsukahara, Y., Nakamichi, R., Matsuura, A., Akita, T., Fujiwara, A., Suzuki, N., 2025, Comparison of kinship-identification methods for robust stock assessment using close-kin mark–recapture data for Pacific bluefin tuna, Population Ecology. abstract (Open Access)
- Hirao, AS., Imoto, J., Fujiwara, A., Watanabe, C., Yoda, M., Matsuura, A., Akita, T., 2024, Genome-wide SNP analysis coupled with hatchday and seascape information reveals panmixia in a classical marine species, the Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), Fisheries Research, 279, 107146. abstract
- Noda, S., Akita, T., Ueda, R., Katsumura, T., Hashiguchi, Y., Takeshima, H., Sato, T., 2024, Optimal SNP filtering strategies for pedigree reconstruction: A case study with wild red-spotted masu salmon population, Population Ecology. abstract (Open Access)
- Mizuno, H., Nakayama, K., Akita, T., Hashiguchi, Y., Osugi, T., Takeshima, H., 2024, Detailed kinship estimation for detecting bias among breeding families in a reintroduced population of the endangered bagrid catfish Tachysurus ichikawai, Population Ecology. abstract (Open Access)
- Naito, T.*, Nakayama, K., Takeshima, H., Hashiguchi, Y., Akita, T., Yamasaki, YY., Mishina, T., Takeshita, N., Nagano, AJ., Takahashi, H., 2023, The detailed population genetic structure of the rare endangered latid fish akame Lates japonicus with extremely low genetic diversity revealed from single-nucleotide polymorphisms, Conservation Genetics, 24, 523-535. abstract
- Akita, T.*, 2022, Estimating contemporary migration numbers of adults based on kinship relationships in iteroparous species, Molecular Ecology Resources, 22:8, 3006-3017 abstract, institutional repository, PrePrint
- Akita, T.*, 2020, Nearly unbiased estimator of contemporary Ne/N based on kinship relationships, Ecology and Evolution, 10, 10342-10352. abstract (Open Access)
- Akita, T.*, 2020, Nearly unbiased estimator of contemporary effective mother size using within-cohort maternal sibling pairs incorporating parental and non-parental reproductive variations, Heredity, 124, 299-312. abstract (Open Access), Editor’s Choice 2019
- Suda, A., Nishiki, I., Iwasaki, Y., Matsuura, A., Akita, T., Suzuki, N., Fujiwara, A.*, 2019, Improvement of the Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) reference genome and development of male-specific DNA markers, Scientific Reports, 9, 14450. abstract (Open Access)
- Ijima, H.*, Jusup, M., Takada, T., Akita, T., Matsuda. H., Klanjscek, T., 2019, Effects of environmental change and early-life stochasticity on Pacific bluefin tuna population growth, Marine Environmental Research, 149, 18-26. abstract
- Akita, T.*, 2018, Statistical test for detecting overdispersion in offspring number based on kinship information, Population Ecology, 60, 297-308. abstract, Nature-Springer-SharedIt
- Akita, T., Takuno, S., Innan, H.*, 2018, Coalescent framework for prokaryotes undergoing interspecific homologous recombination, Heredity, 120, 474-484. abstract, software: msPro
- Nakatsuka, S.*, Ishida Y., Fukuda H., Akita, T., 2017, A limit reference point to prevent recruitment overfishing of Pacific bluefin tuna, Marine Policy, 78, 107-113. abstract
- Akita, T.*, Kamo, T., 2015, Theoretical lessons for increasing algal biofuel: Evolution of oil accumulation to avert carbon starvation in microalgae, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 380, 183-191. abstract
- Iwasaki, Y.*, Akita, T., Kamo, T., 2012, Application of an age-structured population model of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis acrochirus): Implications for the control measures in Japan, Ecology and Civil Engineering, 15(2), 207-212 (in Japanese).
- Akita, T., Takuno, S., Innan, H.*, 2012, Modeling evolutionary growth of a microRNA-mediated regulation system, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 311, 54-65. abstract
- Kamo, T.*, Hayashi, T., Akita, T., 2011, Potential effects of life history evolution on ecological risk assessment, Ecological Applications, 21(8), 3191-3198. abstract
- Akita, T.*, Matsuda, H., 2010, Why do sex ratio dimorphisms exist in Quercus masting? Evolution of imperfect synchronous reproduction in Monoecious trees, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 264, 223-236. abstract
- Yao, Z., Sakai, K.*, Ye, X., Akita, T., Iwabuchi, Y., Hoshino,Y., 2008, Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging for Estimating Acorn yield based on PLS B-Matrix Calibration Technique, Ecological Informatics, 3(3), 237-244. abstract
- Yao, Z., Sakai, K.*, Ye, X., Akita, T., Iwabuchi, Y., Hoshino,Y., 2007, Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery for Developing Yield-map of Acorn, Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 70, 1-2.
- Akita, T., Sakai, K.*, Iwabuchi, Y., Hoshino, Y., Ye, X., 2008, Spatial autocorrelation in masting phenomena of Quercus serrata detected by multi-spectral imaging. Ecological Modelling, 215(1-3), 217-224. abstract
- Akita, T., Sakai, K.*, Iwabuchi, Y., Hoshino, Y., Ye, X., 2006, Acorn Yield Estimation Based on Airborne Multi-spectral Imaging. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 68(4), 49-55 (in Japanese). abstract (Open Access
- Ye, X., Sakai, K.*, Asada, S., Akita, T., Sasao, A., 2005, Airborne hyperspectral imaging for investigation the dynamics of alternate bearing in citrus, Agricultural Information Research, 14(4),261-272. abstract (Open Access)
Conference Documents
- S Nakayama, T Akita, H Fukuda, and S Nakatsuka, 2018, On the latest updates of R package “ssfuturePBF” and the representation of the stock assessment results, ISC/18/PBFWG-1/08.
- T Akita, H Fukuda, S Nakatsuka, 2017, Preliminary analysis of additional future projections for Pacific bluefin tuna requested by WCPFC NC and IATTC, ISC/17/PBFWG-1, 1-17.
- H Ijima, O Sakai, T Akita, H Kiyofuji, 2016, New future projection program for North Pacific albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga) : considering two-sex age-structured population dynamics, ISC/16/ALBWG-2, 1- 11.
- T Akita, H Ijima, 2016, Reference points under the hypothesis of sex-specific life history, ISC/16/ALBWG-2/12, 1-19.
- T Akita, I Tsuruoka, H Fukuda, 2016, Update of a projection software to represent a stock-recruitment relationship using flexible assumptions, ISC/16/PBFWG-1, 1-13.
- H Fukuda, O Sakai, T Akita, I Tsuruoka, Y Tei, S Iwata, K Oshima, 2016, Preliminary population dynamics model for the 2016 stock assessment of Pacific Bluefin tuna, ISC/16/PBFWG-1/07.
- T Akita, I Tsuruoka, H Fukuda, K Oshima, Y Takeuchi, 2015, Update of R packages ‘ssfuture’ for stochastic projections in future, ISC/15/PBFWG-2, 1-18.
- Akita, T.*, 2024, Ecological inference based on kinship assignment: an estimation of parental number and life-history parameters using sibship relationships (in Japanese), Fish genetics and breeding science, 53(2), 63-70.
- Akita, T.*, 2023, Ecological inference based on kinship assignment: a new approach to obtain contemporary information for conservation purposes (in Japanese), Fish genetics and breeding science, 52(2), 81-90. PrePrint
- Akita, T.*, Nearly unbiased estimator of adult population size based on within-cohort half-sibling pairs incorporating flexible reproductive variation. PrePrint (Note: this preprint is currently associated with the published paper in Heredity by BioRxiv. But this preprint was conducted with a totally different approach than the paper…)
Books (Translation)
- Living in the Environment, 18th Edition (Chapter 4: Biodiversity and Evolution. Chapter 5: Biodiversity, Species Interactions, and Population Control.). Amazon
Research grants
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Co-PI, 2023-2026 (PI: Kouji Nakayama, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 23H02233)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), PI, 2023-2026 (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 23K05945)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Fostering Joint International Research, B), Co-PI, 2020-2023 (PI: Takuya Sato, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 20KK0163)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), Co-PI, 2020-2022 (PI: Hiroshi Takahashi, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 20H03012)
- Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), PI, 2019-2022 (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 19K06862)
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow (PD), 2012-2014 (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number: 12J07351)
- Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow (DC1), 2007-2009 (JSPS KAKENHI4 Grant Number: 07J55231)
Referee for:
Journal of Theoretical Biology, Evolution, Molecular Biology and Evolution, International Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Journal of Evolutionary Biology, Journal of Molecular Evolution, Journal of Plant Ecology, Fisheries Science, Frontiers in Marine Science, Proceedings of the Japan Academy B, Evolutionary Applications, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, Population Ecology, Ecology and Evolution, Molecular Ecology, etc…
Science Advances
PLOS B (Monthly)
Nature Communications (Ecology)
Genetics & Ecology
Nature Ecology & Evolution (Monthly)
PLOS G (Monthly)
Genetics (Monthly)
Heredity (Monthly)
MBE (Monthly)
GBE (Monthly)
Molecular Ecology (Biweekly)
Molecular Ecology Resources (Monthly)
Ecological Applications (Bimonthly)
Journal of Applied Ecology (Monthly)
Evolutionary Applications (Monthly)
Methods in Ecology & Evolution (Monthly)
Global Change Biology (Monthly)
Fisheries Science
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (Monthly)
ICES Journal of Marine Science (Bimonthly)
Fisheries Research (Monthly)
MEPS (Biweekly)
Progress in Oceanography (~Monthly)
Fish and Fisheries (Bimonthly)